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Noisy, rattling trailer hitches are so yesterday...

Our Story

The Rattle-Free Trailer Hitch Tighteners are the brainchild of inventor/innovator/entrepreneur Thom Beck.  An avid sportsman, tinkerer and problem solver, Thom is no stranger to invention.  In 1973, his fertile mind conceived a better way of making water ski tow ropes & competition harnesses and Pro Line Water Ski Ropes & Accessories was born.  Shortly thereafter, he brought Bob Kufahl in to lead his sales & marketing team and together they quickly made Pro Line the dominant brand in the competition water ski ropes and accessories marketplace. Thom sold Pro Line in 1982 and they each went their separate ways…until 2017.


In 2015, Thom became very frustrated with the constant rattling and jarring every time he towed one of his boats or his utility trailer so he began thinking of ways to eliminate this frustration. Two years and many prototypes later, Rattle-Free Hitch was born. Thinking that there might be a market for his tow hitch tightener, Thom reached out to Bob (who had just retired after 35 years as a successful sales/marketing exec in the outdoor industry) to ask his opinion. Bob examined & tested the Rattle-Free Hitch Tightener and told Thom that his Tightener was far superior to other products on the market that claimed to reduce or eliminate hitch rattle. Thom then uttered the fateful words - “do you want to have some fun?” – and Bob joined the Rattle-Free team.


While Thom’s initial goal was to eliminate the annoying rattle & vibration that comes with towing a trailer while using a standard outdated hitch pin, he and Bob soon learned that their Rattle-Free Hitch Tightener resolved other issues that many people don’t even realize are affecting them when they tow. They learned that, because the Rattle-Free Hitch Tightener eliminates all movement of the ball hitch, it reduces the mechanical stress on the towing vehicle’s tow hitch, transmission and drive train, it improves the efficiency and smoothness of surge and electric brakes, reduces trailer sway, and eliminates flickering trailer lights.


Our customers frequently tell us that they can’t believe the difference after they install our Rattle-Free Hitch Tightener….that it makes their trailer feel like it is part of their truck or car!

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